Help at Home is Committed to a Culture of Ethics, Compliance and Privacy
Help at Home is dedicated to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, professionalism, and compliance. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the core elements of HAH’s Corporate Compliance Program outlined in the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Seven (7) Elements and other compliance considerations. Our program is anchored on enhanced lines of communication between the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO), employees, contractors, third-party vendors and associated entities. Our CECO in combination with our enterprise ethics and compliance committee oversees our Ethics, Compliance and Privacy program. HAH has an Enterprise Ethics, compliance and privacy program that is required to support its business: our organization, its employees and associated entities.
Below you will find more information about our program and companywide resources.

Help at Home has developed the Ethics, Compliance and Privacy Program which affirms and formalizes our commitment to ethical business practices and doing the right thing. This commitment is spread across all levels of the enterprise through our 3-line model to embed accountability and a culture of compliance and awareness. The new Office of Inspector General Compliance Program Guidance (GCPG) released November 2023 advises that a well-built compliance program should have a strong foundation that includes the following seven elements:
- Written policies and procedures
- Compliance leadership and oversight
- Training and education
- Effective lines of communication with the Compliance Officer and Disclosure Program
- Enforcing standards: consequences and incentives
- Risk assessment, auditing, and monitoring
- Responding to detected offenses and developing corrective action initiatives
Help at Home is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, privacy, and security of the protected health information (PHI) our clients/patients and employee information. Consistent with HIPAA, Help at Home does not use, disclose, or discuss patient-specific information, including patient financial information, with others unless it is necessary to serve the patient or permitted by law. We are committed to keeping everyone’s information safe and secure and handling confidential company information.
Our clients/patients trust us to keep their information confidential. This means we should share records or clients/patients information only with authorized persons who have a legitimate need for the information. Only the minimum confidential health information which is necessary for the purpose. Employees are required to observe all privacy and security rules regarding electronic and “hard copy” information. Employees may never share password or login information.
Users must sign off electronic systems when not in use, and at the end of each working day. Employees are not to open electronic emails that seem suspicious or follow any links provided in the email. The employee must contact the Chief Information Security Officer and/or report it immediately via the Ethics Help Line.
Clients/Patients intake forms and documents must be protected at all times and utilized as Uses and Disclosures for Treatment, Payment, and Health care Operations (TPO).
Identity theft has become an increasing concern. It is important for all employees who encounter or have a suspicion of identity theft to report the matter immediately to the Ethics, Compliance & Privacy Department or via email at [email protected] or for anonymous reporting contact our Ethics Help Line at 1-844-769-0288. Requests for information concerning our clients/patients should be directed to the branch managers and/or direct supervisors in each market.
We take pride in our Help at Home Code of Ethical Standards (Code) which is the foundation of our commitment to excellence and communicates our ethical business standards. Our Code applies to everyone: HAH board of directors, employees, health care professionals, agents, officers, directors, contractors, third-party vendors and any other person or organization engaged to provide products and/or services. The Code provides guidance on how to conduct our daily business with integrity.
Download the Help at Home Code of Ethical Standards in
The Anonymous Ethics Help Line is a simple way for HAH clients, patients, employees, staff, leaders, board members and third-party vendors to confidentially and anonymously report activities that may involve ethical violations or unlawful conduct at the organization. It is available toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the English, Spanish, Chinese – Mandarin, and Russian languages. When someone raises a good faith concern, calls the Ethics Help Line, or cooperates with an investigation or corrective action, retaliation against that person is not permitted.
Who may utilize the Ethics Help Line?
The Anonymous Ethics Help Line is available for use by any client, patient, employee, leader, board member, health care professional, third-party vendor or associate of HAH. Everyone has a responsibility and duty for reporting any activity that appears to violate applicable laws, rules, regulations, accreditation standards, HAH policy or the Code of Ethical Standards.
How to use the Anonymous Ethics Help Line?
- Report online via Welcome – helpathome (
- Report by calling via phone at 1-844-769-0288
- How to Report an Incident (video)
- How to File a Report – Mobile Intake (article)
- How to Follow Up on a Report – Mobile Intake (article)
- Anonymous Ethics Help Line Poster
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) requires that an organization designate a compliance and privacy officer to carry out and enforce compliance activities and program. The compliance and privacy officer should function as an independent and objective person that reviews and evaluates organizational compliance and privacy/confidentiality issues and concerns. To be effective, a compliance program should have a board and senior leadership that understand its value and are committed to its success. The compliance and privacy officer’s main duties include coordination and communication of the compliance plan to the compliance and quality committee board of directors (herein ‘CQC’), enterprise ethics compliance committee and senior leadership team; this involves planning, implementing, and monitoring (oversight) of the program.
Help at Home integrates quality and patient safety oversight into Help at Home corporate compliance program. By integrating quality and patient safety oversight into our corporate compliance program, we strive and collaborate to mitigate risk of quality and patient safety concerns across the enterprise. Corporate compliance program partners closely with quality and patient safety.
Compliance e-mail: [email protected]
- Code of Ethical Standards: English. External Link. Opens in new window., Spanish. External Link. Opens in new window., Chinese – Mandarin, French, Creole, Cantonese, Russian
- Anonymous Ethics Help Line Information
- Help Line Phone Number: 1-844-769-0288