Meet Pam and Yolanda – the Perfect Match

Meet Pam and Yolanda. They’ve formed an amazing bond through Help at Home’s matching program. For the two of them, laughter is the best medicine for Great Days and Meaningful Moments. Here’s their story.
“I feel excited every day before she comes to visit me,” said Yolanda. “I wait for her at the door. When I hear her car, I get a big smile on my face.”
Yolanda is a Help at Home client who lives at home alone and is recovering from an injury from a recent fall. She’s no longer able to walk on her own and is in physical therapy. Yolanda’s Help at Home caregiver’s name is Pam, and they have a very special relationship.
“At 8:00 am every morning Yolanda starts feeling happy because she knows I’m coming,” said Pam. “When I come in the morning, Yolanda is always waiting at the door for me. When I go home in the evening, she walks me to the door and waves at me. I wave back at her until I drive around the corner.”

Pam, who is part of our Help at Home caregiver family, works out of Charlestown, Indiana. What makes Pam such a special caregiver? She stresses how important it is to give her clients a voice in making their own decisions, helping them feel as independent as possible. For example, she always asks her clients when they prefer to eat or shower versus telling them it’s time to do those things.
“I can tell that Yolanda’s happy when I’m here because she smiles and laughs a lot.” said Pam.
Pam loves to laugh and believes that laughter is the best medicine. She says it makes her clients happy and that makes her feel happy too.
“We just have a lot of fun. We talk and laugh a lot about different things,” said Yolanda. “She’s like my sister. We hit it off the first day she came here. She helps me with everything. Whatever I can’t do, she does it. She’s like family to me, and we just have a good old time.”
Pam cares for Yolanda on weekdays, and they have a routine. One of Yolanda’s favorite things to do is to watch her shows with Pam. So, Pam tries to work her schedule of cleaning, fixing meals, helping Yolanda shower, taking her to her doctor’s appointments, etc. around the timing of those shows.
“I try to get my work done so I can be ready to sit and watch her shows with her. She’s usually alone at night, so during the day she likes me just to sit with her,” said Pam. “She likes the same things I do, including scary movies. She will look for movies ahead of time so we can plan to watch them together.”
Yolanda’s favorite thing about Pam is her companionship.
“Sometimes you get lonely, so it’s nice to have someone here,” said Yolanda. I used to be active and could walk places. I would be lonely all the time now if I didn’t have her. I think God matched up Pam and me. She makes me feel terrific!”
Pam also enjoys Yolanda’s company.
“We help each other out too,” said Pam. “Sometimes we both just need a hug.”