Our care-centered model focuses on where and when care happens. That’s why our client satisfaction is high and our caregiver turnover is low, setting the stage for positive outcomes and lives well lived. Help at Home is keenly focused on creating Great Days and Meaningful Moments for our clients and our caregivers.
A successful match requires caregivers who are trained to listen and observe. As a result, our caregivers – who have been intentionally matched with an average of four-year relationships – are attuned to their client’s specific needs. This unique relationship and training helps us deliver on high-satisfaction, high-quality and lower-cost outcomes. And it’s how our caregivers treat clients like family.
A Perfect Match
Our goal to match client needs with the right caregiver skills and demographics provides the foundation for long-term relationships between the two. This focus and attention to relationship-building further magnifies the caregiver’s ability to be the eyes and ears for the client, and to identify social determinants of health which could avert adverse incidents in the home.
What you can expect when you join Help at Home:
Trained caregivers who truly care about you and your wellbeing.
Being a part of an industry leading company with 40+ years of history.
Affordable rates that work with your needs.
Dedicated local support team to guide you through the process of starting home care services.
We are proud to offer the following services:
In-home care services
Elderly & Disabled Services
Developmental Disability Services
Independent Care Waiver Program
Money Follows the Person
Georgia Pediatric Program (GAPP)
Structured Family Caregiver
Eligibility for home health depends on a number of factors and some beneficiaries may not qualify for this program.
Not every family member can be a caregiver under our program.
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